
Friday, March 22, 2024

Moving from miniature tabletop wargaming...

MP military police during NATO exercise Nordic Response '24

... - to 1:1 scale wargaming. - At least for a short while. When you're reading this the large NATO exercise 'Nordic Response '24' has recently been held in the Northern parts of Norway, but due to I've registered that this blog has several visits from Russia I didn't want to post anything before it was all over. 

I am a reserve as a Military Police Senior NCO  in the Norwegian Combat Support Service Battalion, and still do Service with that unit every now and then. So now I'm back after about 3 weeks of service, so that has influenced on my time for modelling, wargaming and updates on this blog. I covered my absence with scheduled blogging posts, but my comments on fellow blogger's posts during the same period has only my name signed to it as I wasn't able to log in (and reveal positions to Google).

MP military police during NATO exercise Nordic Response '24

Nor CSS Bn is a unit which provide host nation support, service and logistics to USMC during their operations in Norway. 

I'm not going into details here, as this blog apparently also have readers in Russia, but I can give you some few general impressions.

In Norway civilian vehicles can be mobilised into military service. So this time my MP unit 'uniformed' 2 civilian cars into police patrol cars to try this out. The process looked like a giant kit-building with instructions to where to place the decals:

MP military police during NATO exercise Nordic Response '24

And soon we were ready for Service to support both Norwegian and American units:

MP military police during NATO exercise Nordic Response '24
And the vehicles performed very well under challenging conditions too:
MP military police during NATO exercise Nordic Response '24

MP military police during NATO exercise Nordic Response '24

Even if the accommodation is 'simple' members of the Nor CSS Bn are great to make it comfortable and give it a feeling of 'luxury':

MP military police during NATO exercise Nordic Response '24
The 'breakfast-buffet' is an important happening and social gathering

MP military police during NATO exercise Nordic Response '24
An improvised cinema was arranged in one of the tents. Off course a war-movie was chosen for the occasion

I'm very impressed by and proud to serve with so many good and skilled colleagues. They really makes the Nor CSS Bn perform beyond it's expectations. They're truly 'brothers in arms' (!)

By the way; The Northern parts of Norway is also a very good place to watch polar lights:

MP military police during NATO exercise Nordic Response '24

So now there will probably be some more time to do some table top wargaming and military modelling again. Follow this blog for updates to come.


  1. Interesting function! Thanks for sharing your experience. Hope you never have to participate for real. But always good to practice!

  2. Thanks!
    -we're exercising for peace.
    I took a look at your blog, and thi is it looks interesting. I added a link to it.
