
Monday, December 2, 2024

Wargame in a Wee Matchbox? What will fit a Matchbox? #2

Making a wargame fit in a matchbox. Wargame in a Wee Matchbox challenge

It's not only about to find a small and easy wargame scenario and rules, but what will actually fit a Wee Matchbox?

1:72 scale figures are about the smallest I have, so I thought it was natural to see if I could use any of them.-But the matchbox get stuffed when you want to fit a number of them inside and when adding some dice both for shooting and health points too. -This was even when using my 'smallest' dice and before trying to add any ruler or rules...
A traditional wargame with a number of 1:72 scale miniatures and some dice could almost fit, but seems to be out of the question for now, or....??

Making a wargame fit in a matchbox. Wargame in a Wee Matchbox challenge

Recently I've been playing a game of 'One-Hour Skirmish Wargames' (I will eventually post a battle report here, but postponed it to join this challenge), and thought that it perhaps could be simplified to fit a matchbox as it doesn't require many miniatures. I found a 'mini' card-deck in a shop, but even being small it was about the size of the Wee Matchbox it self. -And to play OHSW you do actually need 2 decks. So that option was now eliminated:

Making a wargame fit in a matchbox. Wargame in a Wee Matchbox challenge

So I was trying to 'think outside of the box' and make a little different wargame; In H.G. Wells style shooting down small (paper) miniatures with a small (3D-printed) working cannon:
Making a wargame fit in a matchbox. Wargame in a Wee Matchbox challenge

Despite being small, the Cannon didn't fit my Wee Matchbox (so this was also out of the question), but the paper miniatures (and shells) did however. I've used paper miniatures from Junior General before, so I'll think they might be part of my solution to this challenge. I was more impressed by, however, the power of the cannon and the fact that the working cannon, which was spring loaded, could be printed in one piece and without any supports. I don't think it would work to try printing a smaller version of it as the firing pin would be too fragile.

Making a wargame fit in a matchbox. Wargame in a Wee Matchbox challenge

When coming to game mechanics it seems like there will have to be something traditional after all. I'll just have to overcome the challenges with fitting multiple dice, ruler and rules...

Please follow this blog for coming updates on the Wargame in a Wee Matchbox Challenge.

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