Friday, February 28, 2025

Some new acquisitions to the collection

Airfix and Matchbox knock offs, cheap plastic soldiers copies of Matchbox and Airfix used for miniature wargaming

On my work we have a 'Secret Santa' arrangement each December, where we secretly draw a name from a box and secretly gives this person a gift for Christmas. Last Christmas one of my colleagues and 'not so Secret Santa' told me that he didn't pick my name from the box this year, but he wanted to give me something anyway. He just had to find it first. So last weekend while we were working together he handed me a reasonable full plastic bag, which contained several smaller bags:

Airfix and Matchbox knock offs, cheap plastic soldiers copies of Matchbox and Airfix used for miniature wargaming
I took a brief look at them and could tell that there were many plastic soldiers in 54mm-ish scale, mostly WW2 knock-offs from Matchbox. When I got home I finally got a chance to take a closer look at them.

In the first bag I checked there were 100 German soldiers. It was a mix of Airfix infantry, Matchbox infantry and Matchbox German Africa Corps. It was a clear majority of Matchbox soldiers. What I really like with these knock-off sets is the number of officers. Where the original set have only one, this German lot have 12 + 5 "Rommels" (Useful for any high ranking officers though):
Airfix and Matchbox knock offs, cheap plastic soldiers copies of Matchbox and Airfix used for miniature wargaming
The second bag contained 66 British 8th Army figures in a mix of Airfix and Matchbox knock-offs, and again mainly Matchbox poses. 8 officers:
Airfix and Matchbox knock offs, cheap plastic soldiers copies of Matchbox and Airfix used for miniature wargaming
It seems inevitable that all lots of plastic soldiers also contains a detachment of American WW2 Infantry or 'Army Men'. This lot contained 70 of them, and they were all Matchbox. Looks like I got some 'Snowball-fighter' replacements.
Airfix and Matchbox knock offs, cheap plastic soldiers copies of Matchbox and Airfix used for miniature wargaming
There were also some 31 Japanese soldiers in one bag. Some few of them are Airfix copies, but the rest of them I'm really not sure. Perhaps Atlantic??
Airfix and Matchbox knock offs, cheap plastic soldiers copies of Matchbox and Airfix used for miniature wargaming
All of them togheter:
Airfix and Matchbox knock offs, cheap plastic soldiers copies of Matchbox and Airfix used for miniature wargaming
Being knock-offs they're usually not 'true 54mm scale', as they are often smaller. These are some 50mm+ and lines up pretty well to those Army Men I've already painted and used for wargaming.
Airfix and Matchbox knock offs, cheap plastic soldiers copies of Matchbox and Airfix used for miniature wargaming
All the different plastic soldiers in this collection are made to the same size:
Airfix and Matchbox knock offs, cheap plastic soldiers copies of Matchbox and Airfix used for miniature wargaming
They have some flash and mold lines, but that can easily be trimmed away. Those of them who have small wobbly bases I plan to equip with larger 3D-printed bases.

Adding these soldiers to the collection of the cheap plastic soldiers I've acquired earlier I now have a big stockpile of figures for future figure and painting conversions and wargames.

Mark Man of Tin Blog recently published a couple of very interesting postes regarding using pound store plastic soldiers to make wargaming inexpensive and achievable. There are some really interesting point of views in the comment section of those blogger posts as well. Please pay them a visit.

I belong to those who like to wargame on a budget using whatever available. I don't care if my miniatures are not made to a specific brand or rules, as I'm happy converting them to those wargames and scenarios I want to play (usually free rules found online. Check my rules menu in the menu to the right). So these new acquisitions makes it possible for further conversions and new scenarios.

Norway 1940 is mentioned....
- I don't want to rule it out.

In these bags there were also some accessories for my Army Men. They can get useful:
Airfix and Matchbox knock offs, cheap plastic soldiers copies of Matchbox and Airfix used for miniature wargaming
There were also some few other figures in the lot. Airfix Cowboy and Indians knock-offs, and an Airfix British paratrooper which is copied to the unrecognisable:
Airfix and Matchbox knock offs, cheap plastic soldiers copies of Matchbox and Airfix used for miniature wargaming
And some few 1:76 Airfix originals; RAF Ground personell, Washingtons army, German Gebirgsjägers, 8th Army and some very few French Napoleonic artillery crew. There were also some 1:72 scale American WW2 infantry which were knock-offs of the Airfix 1:32 scale originals:
Airfix and Matchbox knock offs, cheap plastic soldiers copies of Matchbox and Airfix used for miniature wargaming
And there were even 3 small (smaller than 28mm) metal miniatures. Looks like they are from 'The  Lord of the rings':
Airfix and Matchbox knock offs, cheap plastic soldiers copies of Matchbox and Airfix used for miniature wargaming

So thank you so very much for the gift not-so-secret-Santa Jørgen. These will provides hours of fun, converting them, painting them and deploy them in future wargames.
Please follow my blog for future updates.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! Yes I think so. This was a big surprise.

  2. Oh wow, what a haul !! (and what a great friend you have) 👏👏

    1. Thank you John!
      He's a great colleague too. 😉

  3. That is a gift that will keep on giving. Looking forward to seeing those figures take to the table!

    1. Thank you, John. I'm still considering how to convert and use them in the future. When I finally get to it I'll post an update here.

  4. A kind and thoughtful gift! I really look forward to seeing what you do with these…
    Alan Tradgardland

    1. Thank you Alan. I'm considering several different options for possible conversions.

  5. I found a similar collection of bags in my loft and you are welcome to them for free, if you want. I am in the uk and you can contact me through the Tunnies Terrain Facebook page or through here. Regards Stephen

    1. Wow! Thank you Stephen! I'm grateful for your offer and I'm always interested to add to the collection. I'll send you a Messenger post through Facebook for further details.

  6. Most of the Japanese infantry look like ESCI figures. I believe that one Chinese manufacturer did issue a set made up of copies of both ESCI and Airfix, so maybe these are from one (or more) of those sets?

    1. It looks like you are right. I didn't have the Esci 1:72 Japanese soldiers when I was a kid so I didn't recognise them. Thank you for information and for reading Robert.

  7. Hello Roger, now a gift like this can radically change your wargaming! Looking forward to see how you divide up this collection, the particular conflicts and theatres. I think contemplating future campaigns is one of my favourite aspects to this hobby!

    1. Thank you Michael! As I haven't quite decided yet, suggestions are welcome.
      Perhaps you see some possibilities and combination with these figures I don't. Thanks for reading and commenting.


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