Well it's soon the end of another year and probably time to take a look back on the past one, and to share some thoughts for the coming one.
2024 - Status
Yet another year, this is still a 'small blog' regarding number of blog posts and followers, but it's still the most active year so far with:
Blog posts: 53
Views: 31700
Comments: 125
So where does the viewers come from?
- Hong Kong (8750 views)
- Singapore (6540 views)
- USA (6302 views)
- United Kingdom (2023 views)
- Norway (1855 views and I suspect some of them are mine from different devices)
- Germany (810 views)
- Indonesia (709 views)
- Canada (383 views)
- China (192 views)
- Netherlands (187 views)
- Spain (135 views)
- Australia (130 views)
- Iran (121 views)
- Austria (100 views)
- Ireland (94 views)
- Sweden (85 views)
- South Korea (80 views)
- Italy (67 views)
- New Zealand (45 views)
- 'Others' (2990 views)
I'm not sure if so many actual viewers are from Southeast Asia, but I suspect most views from these countries actually are web crawlers or search spiders??
- And from which other web pages does the viewers enters from?
- Facebook (1878 entries)
- Re-directs from this blog (links etc.) (239 entries)
- Bunker Talk Blog (236 entries)
- Google (197 entries)
- Wargaming with 54mm Toy Soldiers Blog (164 entries)
- 54mm or Fight Blog (122 entries)
- YouTube (102 entries)
- Sound Officers Call Blog (65 entries)
- Duckduckgo.com (64 entries)
- Projects and Procrastination Blog (60 entries)
- Bing.com (57 entries)
- Oneseventytwoscale Blog (47 entries)
- Toys - Ett Nytt Hopp Blog (8 entries)
- Pound Store Plastic Warriors Blog (7 entries)
- 'Others' (28300 entries)
I'm pleased that the blog has several redirections from other blogs, and I am very grateful and appreciate all of you who are linking to it through your own blogs. - You all deserve a big 'Thank you'!!
I do not have many redirections from Google, or any other search engines like Bing og DuckDuckGo, even if I have made it 'searchable' in the settings, made search-descriptions in text and photos etc. When performing searches my self I usually find it with Bing or DuckduckGo but not with Google. Do any of you have an idea of the reason to this, or have similar issues??
- And what was the most popular views last year?
As you can see; Wargaming posts beats any Model Railway-, Workbench-, or tour-posts. The following photo shows which new wargames I played in 2025. The only reason that FUBAR 4th Edition is there this year again is because I made an
SOLO player chart to use with these rules:
Here are some impressions from wargames I played in 2024:
Last year I also made a list of planned activites on this blog for this year. I didn't manage them all, and when I was invited to join the 'Wargame in a Wee Matchbox Challenge' I decided to postpond some of them to 2025. One of my planned activities for 2024 was to prepare some figures and play one of the most recent conflicts in history. After some closer considerations I've concluded that the conflict I had in mind was 'too recent' as it is ongoing. I have no
qualms wargaming modern 20th or 21st Century scenarios, but I wanted to find
out how the 'wargaming society' regarded wargaming ongoing conflicts and it
seems to be ‘divided' with valid 'pros and cons' for both sides. This meant
that I needed to do some closer considerations regarding this, and even if some
seems to be fine about it I’ve come to that conclusion to postpond my planned miniatures and
modern wargame for now, pending until time seems more appropriate for it. As a reader of this blog I'm curious to know how
do you feel about wargaming historical or modern scenarios or ongoing
conflicts? Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comment-section
Another thing about that list; Even if I
'completed' a Heeresfeldbahn rake and could '
check it off the list', I'm still got a couple of coming projects to my German G-scale military train. -You can't have too many wagons, can you!?
2024 was also the 80th anniversary for D-Day and 40th anniversary for the 'V TV-series'. It puts things in perspective as it is as long time from present day to the V-TV series was aired, than it was from 'V' to D-Day. 40 years between both (!).
2025 - What to expect
By looking at which blog posts which attracted most (and less) viewers last year, I'm not sure if I'm going to continue the monthly '
Workbench updates' nor continually reports from running sessions with garden railways on a regular basis in 2025. I'm not going to totally quit them, but I will probably collect up contents from more and post them in fewer blog posts instead.
Even if it was helpful to have a list, which obligated me to finish off old projects with slow progression, I'm not going to be that specific for 2025. But I do have some thoughts of what I will do more of this year; Except for wargaming the 'too recent conflict', I plan to finally finish up the list from 2024.
As many of you probably already know I'm a fan of the 'Old West', and I would like to use
the Cowboys I painted up in 2024 in more games in 2025. Perhaps while trying out (and reviewing) new and free rules as that's in the scope of my 'budget wargaming'.
I am very thankful to all of you that during the last year have been following my blog, reading it, and contributes with your comments. It all means a lot to me and you all makes it worth creating this blog I hope you all will continue follow, reading, comment and share your thoughts in 2025 as well.
I wish you all the best for 2025, and I'm looking forward to keep following your blogs!
Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year when it comes ! I look forward to seeing where the hobbies take you in ‘25.
ReplyDeleteAlan Tradgardland
Thank you Alan. Even if I wasn't too spesific to do a list this time, I do have some plans for 2025. When coming to fruition I'll post them here. I'm looking forward to follow your blog and updates in 2025.
DeleteHappy New Year
I'm really enjoying your blog Roger - a great mixture of topics!
ReplyDeleteThe G-Scale railway posts are particularly interesting.
Best wishes for 2025
Thank you!
DeleteEven if not into the hobby it looks like several wargamers also have some interests in model railways too. I started the other way around; first model railways and then finding a way to combine it with military modelling, which eventually got me into wargaming.
I'm looking forward to follow your activities and blog in 2025.
Happy New Year!
Lots of good stuff posted here in 2024 and looking forward to 2025!
ReplyDeletep.s. I think I am responsible for quite a few of the Australian views :-)
Thank you Shaun!
DeleteIt's nice to be able to put some names and persons behind those numbers!
You have an very interesting blog your self, and I'm looking forward to follow it and your activities in 2025.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Roger!
ReplyDeleteYour blog is one of my favorites to read because there is always something useful, entertaining or inspiring within your posts. Congratulations on a great year!
For me, "modern" gaming is a mixed bag. Having participated in a somewhat modern conflict in the early 2000s in Iraq i came home with no trouble recreating combat there or in Afghanistan. I actually built 20mm armies so I could do that. As I get older though I am tending to experience some "fatigue" with modern war and its tragedy in terms of cost and human suffering. I don't know if that makes any sense but when I play or plan more modern games now the thought that this stuff is *actually* happening makes me think about it in a different way.
First of all, thank you for your kind feedback. I'm glad if you find something useful or interesting here.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, I understand perfectly well what you mean. I served on the Balkan in the 90ies and made some experiences too. Even though I've been considering to make models and scenarios to wargame different periods from that region and conflicts my self. I just haven't got around to it yet. I perfectly understand the human suffering in wars and conflicts, but I think it's present in ever conflicts throughout the history in some way. Even if you're into medieval games there was human suffering in those conflicts then, like now.
Thirdly, Thank you for your Service!
I'm looking forward to follow your blog in 2025. Happy New Year!
Great post and reflections Roger. As a youngster I wargamed WW2 with school friends with unpainted Airfix figures at a local church hall and there were WW2 vets there who never raised an eyebrow, though I have to say at that time no-onewas gaming the ongoing war in Vietnam. It's a difficult one. Happy New Year, always good to see new posts on your blog.
ReplyDeleteThank you John!
DeleteMy Granduncle was a WW2 Vet, and didn't seems to have any second thoughts providing me with WW2 military toys when I was a kid. And again, I haven't seen the conflict I had in mind wargamed either, barely some few models or dioramas.
You have a great blog John, and I'm looking forward to follow your updates in 2025 too.
Happy New Year!
Why did you have to tell me that bit about V and D-Day. As a kid in the 80s D-day seemed like ancient history. As an adult, 'V' seems like it was just a few years ago. I've now realized that I'm old. Thanks for the great blog, I enjoy reading every new post!
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for your kind feedback, Chris! I'm delighted if you find something useful here.
ReplyDeleteYou know, I felt exactly the same way when I realized it...
-'V' just feels like 'yesterday TV', but the D-Day an WW2 on the othee hand...
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! While I do visit your site primarily for the wargaming posts, I have also read the model railway posts. I was particularly fascinated by the Inglenook Siding (yeah, I'm one of those guys) :)
ReplyDeleteI do tend to think more about the actual people involved when I'm playing modern games (20th century +), possibly because I know people who were directly involved in some of the actual conflicts. I've never had negative feelings, but it has made me a bit more reflective.
Thank you very much for reading and commenting! I'm delighted you can find anything interesting here either it's wargames or model railways.
DeleteAbout Inglenooks; I would like to have a smaller, portable one, perhaps in H0 scale. -That does not exclude the idea to operate it as military logistics with military loads though. Perhaps such a layout can be operated as different nations and periods reflecting the use of rolling stock and military loads? About now it's just an idea, but one day it might come into fruition.
'Reflective' was a good word to cover my feelings towards modern wargaming, but also wargaming in general actually.
Happy New Year!