Showing posts with label OMOK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OMOK. Show all posts

Friday, April 5, 2024

A prequel 'Planet of the Apes' wargame - The Initial Confrontation

a planet of the apes wargame. a game with free OMOG and OMOK wargame rules by Thor Sheil. how to create a budget POTA looking ape army on budget.
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Last summer saw the release of some ElastoWitt 54mm Planet of The Apes figures (I think) from the original movies. At the same time, I saw several reviews of these figures on other blogs and Facebook groups. I'm a huge fan of the Planet of the Apes series and I've been planning to do a 'fantasy' and 'sci-fi' gameplay, so a POTA-scenario would be ideal. -But as with all miniatures and soldiers; These Planet of the Apes figures are just impossible to get in Norway, and the shipping costs, rising prices in general and bad exchanges rate can't justify it.

While writing the blogpost on prehistoric warfare, I found information that chimpanzees not only went to "war" and fought other chimpanzees, but they were also found using very simple weapons such as simplified "spears" for hunting. Chimpanzees have also been reported to have attacked both humans and gorillas. Chimpanzees are very territorial, about 4 times as strong as a human of similar size, and they can reach speeds of 40 kph/25 mph.

a planet of the apes wargame. a game with free OMOG and OMOK wargame rules by Thor Sheil. how to create a budget POTA looking ape army on budget.

This got me thinking if Planet of the Apes could not only be a good sci-fi story, but with some liberties and artistic licenses could it really have happened somewhere in 'The Darkest Africa' for example? At least for a fantasy wargame scenario?? Just "What-if"???

Records show that soldiers have been attacked by wild animals during conflicts in the past. One of the most famous attacks was from World War II when reports claim that hundreds of Japanese soldiers were attacked and eaten by crocodiles during the Battle of Ramree Island in 1945. Could such a thing have happened if soldiers encountered a group of enemy chimpanzees armed with spears in "Darkest Africa" ​​defending their territory ? It's probably not very likely, but it makes an interesting scenario for a skirmish wargame; one side with ranged weapons vs. the other side that doesn't, but that is faster and far more superior in close combat.

Creating an Ape Army

Since I wasn't going to buy the POTA figures from ElastoWitt, or from any other manufacturers either, I had to look elsewhere to build my 'budget ape army'. On Thingiverse I found some free Planet of the Apes files (#2 and #3) that I decided to resize, repositioning and print on my new (and upgraded) 3D printer, a FlashForge Adventurer 3. -It's still an FDM printer though (with all it's limitations creating miniatures...). Some step-by-step photos of creating the ape army can be seen in the 'March Workbench updates'.

a planet of the apes wargame. a game with free OMOG and OMOK wargame rules by Thor Sheil. how to create a budget POTA looking ape army on budget.
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The human army is simply made up of regular army men I've painted and used in previous wargames.

a planet of the apes wargame. a game with free OMOG and OMOK wargame rules by Thor Sheil. how to create a budget POTA looking ape army on budget.
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The Rules

For this little skirmish game I wanted to use Thor Sheil's OMOG - One Man, One Gun rules in combination with OMOK - One Man, One Knight rules. They are very 'similar' (just for different periods) so I use OMOG for the 'human army' due to their ranged weapons and OMOK for the ape army because of their pole arms.

To keep it simple, I used the quick reference sheets created by Steve Snark, which can be downloaded from the OMOG Facebook group's files section.

However, some house rules seemed necessary; Since Chimanzees are very fast, I let them move twice as fast as a "human move". They have brutal strength, a strong bite and deadlier teeth, so I think they will be far superior to humans in hand-to-hand combat, so they get an additional +1 in melee for their physical strength.

The Scenario

To keep this related to the Planet of the Apes, I have placed this scenario to the same period as the original POTA book La Plaète des singes was written by Pierre Boulle in 1963. Wild chimpanzees are only found in West and Central Africa. Fortunately, I already have miniatures covering that region and period. During the Congo Crisis, troops from the newly independent Republic of the Congo, the Armèe Nationale Congolaise (ANC), were sent into the South Kasai region to fight the rebels there due to a rebellion and insurgency there in the period of 1960-63.

Some time during this campaign, a lightly armed squad (among several) of 8 soldiers from the ANC was on a search and destroy patrol at outskirts of the jungle in a very remote area of ​​the South Kasai region in 1962 to look for Kasai rebels there. To be able to move quickly, they were lightly armed, only with rifles and a submachine gun. The squad fights as 2 fire teams with 4 members in each.

The ANC squad is totally unaware that they are moving into territory claimed by a group of 15 hostile chimpanzees armed with simple thrusting spears. Unlike the human army, they have no ranged weapons, but are superior in hand-to-hand combat. The 'ape army' is not 'organized' but fights as 3 groups of 5 each.

The Game

The ANC search and destroy patrol...
a planet of the apes wargame. a game with free OMOG and OMOK wargame rules by Thor Sheil. how to create a budget POTA looking ape army on budget.
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...are totally unaware that they are about to enter territory claimed by a pack of hostile Chimpanzees and that they are being watched doing so.
a planet of the apes wargame. a game with free OMOG and OMOK wargame rules by Thor Sheil. how to create a budget POTA looking ape army on budget.
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Suddenly groups of Chimpanzees armed with spears came rushing out of the bush, screaming, towards the ANC squad...
a planet of the apes wargame. a game with free OMOG and OMOK wargame rules by Thor Sheil. how to create a budget POTA looking ape army on budget.
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...the soldiers are taken by surprise but some of them managed to open fire (before it became too late), and kill some of the raging Chimpanzees...
a planet of the apes wargame. a game with free OMOG and OMOK wargame rules by Thor Sheil. how to create a budget POTA looking ape army on budget.
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-But the Chimpanzees didn't care if they lost some fellow members of their group, and just kept storming into the ANC squad and entered hand-to-hand combat... 
a planet of the apes wargame. a game with free OMOG and OMOK wargame rules by Thor Sheil. how to create a budget POTA looking ape army on budget.
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...and clashed into a brutal fight...
a planet of the apes wargame. a game with free OMOG and OMOK wargame rules by Thor Sheil. how to create a budget POTA looking ape army on budget.
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...even if some of the soldiers managed to kill a couple of Chimpanzees in this nasty close combat...
a planet of the apes wargame. a game with free OMOG and OMOK wargame rules by Thor Sheil. how to create a budget POTA looking ape army on budget.
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...they just didn't have a chance against the Chimpanzees. The rearmost soldiers tried to retreat when the rest of their squad was wiped out...
a planet of the apes wargame. a game with free OMOG and OMOK wargame rules by Thor Sheil. how to create a budget POTA looking ape army on budget.
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...but the raging Chimpanzees were faster and kept following the retreating soldiers...
a planet of the apes wargame. a game with free OMOG and OMOK wargame rules by Thor Sheil. how to create a budget POTA looking ape army on budget.
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...until the last man standing were surrendered and killed.
a planet of the apes wargame. a game with free OMOG and OMOK wargame rules by Thor Sheil. how to create a budget POTA looking ape army on budget.
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Even if they lost about half their members, this was a victory for the apes as they managed to take out all the intruders of their territory. 
a planet of the apes wargame. a game with free OMOG and OMOK wargame rules by Thor Sheil. how to create a budget POTA looking ape army on budget.
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When the remains of 'the lost patrol' was later found by others, it was clear that the casualties had injuries matching both Chimpanzee-attacks and spear injuries. The apes was gone for now, and so was some of the rifles from the eliminated ANC squad..... (did the Apes take them?)

When these observations was later reported perhaps that inspired Pierre Boulle to write 'La Plaète des singes', the book which the later films of 'Plante of the Apes' was based upon...
a planet of the apes wargame. a game with free OMOG and OMOK wargame rules by Thor Sheil. how to create a budget POTA looking ape army on budget.


This scenario took just about 10 turns and 20-30 minutes to play, so I actually had time to play it 3 times. In a fight between someone with firearms and those without but having better close combat weapons, it's clear that those with firearms are only effective if they manage to keep their opponent at a distance for a time. In such a scenario the side with ranged weapons does not have a lot of time to use them and their advantages, before being in close combat, where other weapons are more effective.

Some updates on Thor Sheil's OMOG and OMOK rules

At the time it looks like the late Thor Sheil's  salvaged army men website are 'down' again, and so are the links to his free wargaing rules. I'm not sure if his website will be online again this time, so I'd thought I'd share some links where you can still find several of his free wargaming rules:
If Thor Sheil's website doesn't return, I must consider to update this blog's link sections and replace inactive links to his rules with my own downloads. Updated: Already done thru Waybackmachine with those few URLs which were saved there. Too bad not all of them were.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Holiday Wars

Holiday Wars

Holliday Wars

Many games claims to be 'Beer and Pretzels games', but with this theme I think this is a 'Chrismas brew and cookie game'

After doing the same scenario and setup several times this year to try out different free downloadable, easy wargame rules for regular army men, I felt it was time to do something else. Since the Holidays was coming up, I decided to to a 'Holiday-themed' game this time.

Creating armies for the game

A new theme, scenario and 'period' meant that new armies needed to be created.  I decided I wanted to make them to 'true 54mm scale'. To find suitable miniatures I searched on Thingiverse, where I actually found some free downloadable files that could be 3D-printed. I rescaled them so they cold be printed to exact 54mm-scale:

Holiday Wars
These figures are 3D-printed to exactly 54mm height

The paintjob didn't require much studies, except for in the Mrs' cookie jar, and the paint-sceme was pretty easy as well.

Ginger bread army man
Classical gingerbread man

It takes at least 2 armies to create a battle, so I needed to find some suitable oposing forces for my new army. That wasn't very difficult either as there is a typical old Norwegian Christmas baking called 'Hvite Kakemenn' and translate into something like 'White Cookie Men'. They are made by wheat flour, butter, milk and sugar and deviate from Gingerbread men by being white or very light in color, usually with red 'trimmings'.

cookie man
'Hvit kakemann' aka '(white) cookie man

And some 30+ hours later, I had 18 printed troopers, enough for two small armies; The Gingerbred Men Vs. The Cookie Men. Now I needed to paint them and decide a scenario and which rules to use.
gingerbread army wargame
The Gingerbread Army

cookie man army wargame
The Cookie men army

The Rules

I've been playing a lot of different free wargame rules this year, and they all have different pros and cons. After playing Thor Sheil's OMOG - One Man, One Gun wargame, I concluded that this was probably a better ruleset for smaller gaming tables and scenarioes, for periods not including automatic weapons (and templates). One of the pros for this game was that Thor Sheil designed it for a lot of different periods, including ancient and medieval. I think OMOK - One Man, One Knight would be suitable for my tabletop Holiday Wars as my cookie-troopers are armed with swords, polearms and bows. Steve Snark has made a quick reference sheet to this game, which could be found in the file-section in the Facebook-group Shambattle and OMOG Toy Soldier Games.

The Battle

The Gingerbread-Army and The Cookie Men-Army both wants to be this year's favourite cookie, and the best way to do that is to take the cookie jar and fill it up with them self. On their way to the cookie jar, they meet the other cookie-army on the table. Only the victorious army will have the cookie jar...

Using OMOG OMOK free wargame rules by Thor Sheil for Holiday Wars
The battlefield, and their aimed goals in the background

Using OMOG OMOK free wargame rules by Thor Sheil for Holiday Wars
The Gingerbread army had arranged their different weapons in own units, while the cookie men had units with all the weapons in it. Which would be best in the first 'clash'?

Using OMOG OMOK free wargame rules by Thor Sheil for Holiday Wars
The Gingerbread army made a successful polearm charge, and almost whiped out a cookie unit.
At the same time the Gingerbread archers almost managed to do the same by accurate fire.

Using OMOG OMOK free wargame rules by Thor Sheil for Holiday Wars
...So in hand to hand combat the cookie man didn't have a chance against the 3 archers even being armed with a +1 pole

Using OMOG OMOK free wargame rules by Thor Sheil for Holiday Wars
Despite having more armour with chainmail and a shield, the cookie man didn't have a chance against 2 from the Gingerbread army. The cookie-unit in the rear tried to come to his relief, but was too late...

Using OMOG OMOK free wargame rules by Thor Sheil for Holiday Wars
...and got caught and surrounded in a melee they were quickly outnumbered in. The Outcome was given... 

Using OMOG OMOK free wargame rules by Thor Sheil for Holiday Wars
After 6 turns and 30 minutes, 5 members from the Gingerbread army could claim the victory...

Using OMOG OMOK free wargame rules by Thor Sheil for Holiday Wars
...and enter the cookie jar without competition of other cookie (-men).

The Conclusion

OMOK - One Man, One Knight by Thor Sheil works really well for such small battles with limited of ranged weapons and more melee. It looks like it is an advantage to arrange units with the same kind of weapons to gain more 'fire power', than to make a unit which contain some of all the weapons but in less numbers.

To all fellow wargamers out there; enjoy the rest of the Holidays and I wish you all a Happy New Year!!

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