Friday, January 3, 2025

Models and Miniatures exhibition on the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology

Models and Miniatures exhibition on the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. Modell og Miniatyrer på Norsk Teknisk Museum

What's nice with the Holidays this year is that I finally had some time off for several days in a row. I find visiting museums both interesting and relaxing, so this was a good time to finally visit the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology in Oslo and have a look at their new temporary 'Models and Miniatures' exhibition. I've kind of missed such an exhibition in Norway after Mark wrote about his participation in the exhibition 'Come as you really are'.

Models and Miniatures exhibition on the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. Modell og Miniatyrer på Norsk Teknisk Museum
The dollhouse in the background is a full size model of the dollhouse in the front. It was large enough to allow kids to play in it 
Models and Miniatures exhibition on the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. Modell og Miniatyrer på Norsk Teknisk Museum
The original model of the Norwegian Royal Palace as it was planned. Due to economic challenges in Norway at the time only the centerpiece (with a wing each side) was built.
Models and Miniatures exhibition on the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. Modell og Miniatyrer på Norsk Teknisk Museum
Norwegian toys from the 50ies and as they were made long into the 70ies. The Bobsleigh is still in production in it's original form. I got found memory of these. 
Models and Miniatures exhibition on the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. Modell og Miniatyrer på Norsk Teknisk Museum
Now we're moving away from the toy-like part of the exhibition to the more model like. Here is a couple of old Airfix kits
Models and Miniatures exhibition on the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. Modell og Miniatyrer på Norsk Teknisk Museum
The Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology has a large collection of models. The airship is a model of the one used by Roald Amundsen (the first guy on South Pole in 1911) to fly over the North Pole in 1926. The Gloster Gladiator is the fighterplane in service when Norway entered WW2 the 9th of April 1940.
Models and Miniatures exhibition on the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. Modell og Miniatyrer på Norsk Teknisk Museum
Kids (and grown ups as well I suppose) could race  on a pretty large Slot-car race track.
Models and Miniatures exhibition on the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. Modell og Miniatyrer på Norsk Teknisk Museum
Old Scalextric cars, scenery and catalogues was displayed next to the race track
Models and Miniatures exhibition on the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. Modell og Miniatyrer på Norsk Teknisk Museum
There was also a display with old and new (er) model railways rolling stock in different scales collected from the different layouts the museum has had through it's history. Too bad many of these layouts doesn't exist anymore
Models and Miniatures exhibition on the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. Modell og Miniatyrer på Norsk Teknisk Museum
The Nohab H0-model in the foreground is a model from one of the museums 'old' layouts, but is not a really old model. The model of the O gauge steam locomotive in the background on the other hand is a really old one, as it was scratch built for a O gauge model railway at the museum in the mid 50ies. Too bad the layout was scrapped when the museum moved in the mid 80ies, and these items are some few of it remains.
Models and Miniatures exhibition on the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. Modell og Miniatyrer på Norsk Teknisk Museum
This was an interesting corner of the exhibition as it was dedicated to wargaming in different periodes and genres like historical and fantasy
Models and Miniatures exhibition on the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. Modell og Miniatyrer på Norsk Teknisk Museum
How wargame miniatures are mainly made with tin moulding at top, plastic injection in the middle, and 3D-printed at the bottom
Models and Miniatures exhibition on the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. Modell og Miniatyrer på Norsk Teknisk Museum
From the historical display...
Models and Miniatures exhibition on the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. Modell og Miniatyrer på Norsk Teknisk Museum
...the miniatures looked like to be Prince August in about 40mm
Models and Miniatures exhibition on the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. Modell og Miniatyrer på Norsk Teknisk Museum
They also had a small display of more modern miniatures in 15mm and 28mm. I actually thought '28mm' was closer to 1:56 scale than to 1:64 scale as the sign states
Models and Miniatures exhibition on the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. Modell og Miniatyrer på Norsk Teknisk Museum
Ancient miniatures. They looked really good. It was difficult to get good photos of the fantasy miniatures due to bright light and reflections.

When I finally got to visit the Science and Technology museum, it's well worth to look at their other more permanent exhibitions as well:
Models and Miniatures exhibition on the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. Modell og Miniatyrer på Norsk Teknisk Museum
In 1954 there was made a (not to scale) model of a typical Norwegian industrial society. The model was trafficked with old H0-trains from Märklin. The tracks have been changed, but this layout has actually been in service more or less ever since it was built:
Models and Miniatures exhibition on the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. Modell og Miniatyrer på Norsk Teknisk Museum
Models and Miniatures exhibition on the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. Modell og Miniatyrer på Norsk Teknisk Museum
Models and Miniatures exhibition on the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. Modell og Miniatyrer på Norsk Teknisk Museum
Models and Miniatures exhibition on the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. Modell og Miniatyrer på Norsk Teknisk Museum
The Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology has also bought a 'new' large H0-scaled layout (from a closed automobile museum):
Models and Miniatures exhibition on the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. Modell og Miniatyrer på Norsk Teknisk Museum
Models and Miniatures exhibition on the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. Modell og Miniatyrer på Norsk Teknisk Museum
Models and Miniatures exhibition on the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. Modell og Miniatyrer på Norsk Teknisk Museum
Models and Miniatures exhibition on the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. Modell og Miniatyrer på Norsk Teknisk Museum
The layout has several different cameos:
Models and Miniatures exhibition on the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. Modell og Miniatyrer på Norsk Teknisk Museum
Models and Miniatures exhibition on the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. Modell og Miniatyrer på Norsk Teknisk Museum
I'm not sure which movie this actually is...
Models and Miniatures exhibition on the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. Modell og Miniatyrer på Norsk Teknisk Museum
Seems that someone's been a good boy or girl this year.

Models and Miniatures exhibition on the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. Modell og Miniatyrer på Norsk Teknisk Museum
I'm not sure how this exhibition is compared to 'Come as you really are', but perhaps Mark can give a clue? 
The 'Models and Miniatures' exhibition is just a temporary one, but the museum actually plaans to have it open through 2025. -Perhaps even longer....
So if you're in Oslo this year and have som leisure time, I really recommend you to pay the 'Norsk Teknisk Museum' a visit.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

2024 - A brief summary - 2025 What to expect

A 2024 summary of The Hobby Blog for Model railways, Wargaming and Military modelling

Well it's soon the end of another year and probably time to take a look back on the past one, and to share some thoughts for the coming one.

2024 - Status

Yet another year, this is still a 'small blog' regarding number of blog posts and followers, but it's still the most active year so far with:

Blog posts:    53
Views:            31700
Comments:   125

So where does the viewers come from?

  1. Hong Kong (8750 views)
  2. Singapore (6540 views)
  3. USA (6302 views)
  4. United Kingdom (2023 views)
  5. Norway (1855 views and I suspect some of them are mine from different devices)
  6. Germany (810 views)
  7. Indonesia (709 views)
  8. Canada (383 views)
  9. China (192 views)
  10. Netherlands (187 views)
  11. Spain (135 views)
  12. Australia (130 views)
  13. Iran (121 views)
  14. Austria (100 views)
  15. Ireland (94 views)
  16. Sweden (85 views)
  17. South Korea (80 views)
  18. Italy (67 views)
  19. New Zealand (45 views)
  20. 'Others' (2990 views)
I'm not sure if so many actual viewers are from Southeast Asia, but I suspect most views from these countries actually are web crawlers or search spiders??

- And from which other web pages does the viewers enters from?
  1. Facebook (1878 entries)
  2. Re-directs from this blog (links etc.) (239 entries)
  3. Bunker Talk Blog (236 entries)
  4. Google (197 entries)
  5. Wargaming with 54mm Toy Soldiers Blog (164 entries)
  6. 54mm or Fight Blog (122 entries)
  7. YouTube (102 entries)
  8. Sound Officers Call Blog (65 entries)
  9. (64 entries)
  10. Projects and Procrastination Blog (60 entries)
  11. (57 entries)
  12. Oneseventytwoscale Blog (47 entries)
  13. Toys - Ett Nytt Hopp Blog (8 entries)
  14. Pound Store Plastic Warriors Blog (7 entries)
  15. 'Others' (28300 entries)
I'm pleased that the blog has several redirections from other blogs, and I am very grateful and appreciate all of you who are linking to it through your own blogs. - You all deserve a big 'Thank you'!!

I do not have many redirections from Google, or any other search engines like Bing og DuckDuckGo, even if I have made it 'searchable' in the settings, made search-descriptions in text and photos etc. When performing searches my self I usually find it with Bing or DuckduckGo but not with Google. Do any of you have an idea of the reason to this, or have similar issues??

- And what was the most popular views last year? 
  1. The Portable Wargame: Modern (566 views)
  2. Print and Play for Free (2023 Prehistoric Wargame) (401 views)
  3. 1 BC (One Brain Cell) Toy Soldiers Rules (2022) (391 views)
  4. A leaked Battle Report of a classified skirmish occurred during "Operation Highjump" (339 views)
  5. For a Few Dollars More - The Storyboarder's Cut (336 views)
  6. Cowboys vs. Aliens in a prequel "V" Wargame (330 views)
  7. In war (-gaming) your soldiers need protective cover! (2020) (292 views)
  8. Chain Reaction 2023 (277 views)
  9. A prequel 'Planet of the Apes' wargame - The initial confrontation (207 views)
  10. Making "V"-miniatures on a budget (172 views)
  11. Can an 'Inglenook Sidings' switching puzzle also be a wargame? (169 views)
  12. Building an Army.... -or two (2019) (162 views)
  13. A Simplified set of rules for Modern Wargames (2023) (156 views)
  14. Loading a Ferry onto a Narrow Gauge Train (154 views)
  15. Two Model Railway Exhibitions and one Garden Railway running session - A summary (146 views)
  16. Close Wars (2022) (134 views)
  17. The 6th of June - 1 date. 2 different stories about WW2  + a Battle Report (134 views)
  18. Recruiting new super cheap troops  to the collection (133 views)
  19. For a Few Dollars More - Deleted Scenes (128 views)
  20. FUBAR (2022) (116 views) 
... -And the least viewed posts was an 'Inglenook Sidings' and Military goodstrain in the garden' with only 31 views, barley beaten by 'An August Workbench update' with 32 views...

As  you can see; Wargaming posts beats any Model Railway-, Workbench-, or  tour-posts. The following photo shows which new wargames I played in 2025. The only reason that FUBAR 4th Edition is there this year again is because I made an SOLO player chart to use with these rules:
A 2024 summary of The Hobby Blog for Model railways, Wargaming and Military modelling

Last year I also made a list of planned activites on this blog for this year. I didn't manage them all, and when I was invited to join the 'Wargame in a Wee Matchbox Challenge' I decided to postpond some of them to 2025. One of my planned activities for 2024 was to prepare some figures and play one of the most recent conflicts in history. After some closer considerations I've concluded that the conflict I had in mind was 'too recent' as it is ongoing. I have no qualms wargaming modern 20th or 21st Century scenarios, but I wanted to find out how the 'wargaming society' regarded wargaming ongoing conflicts and it seems to be ‘divided' with valid 'pros and cons' for both sides. This meant that I needed to do some closer considerations regarding this, and even if some seems to be fine about it I’ve come to that conclusion to postpond my planned miniatures and modern wargame for now, pending until time seems more appropriate for it. As a reader of this blog I'm curious to know how do you feel about wargaming historical or modern scenarios or ongoing conflicts? Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comment-section below.

A 2024 summary of The Hobby Blog for Model railways, Wargaming and Military modellingA 2024 summary of The Hobby Blog for Model railways, Wargaming and Military modelling

Another thing about that list; Even if I 'completed' a Heeresfeldbahn rake and could 'check it off the list', I'm still got a couple of coming projects to my German G-scale military train. -You can't have too many wagons, can you!?
A 2024 summary of The Hobby Blog for Model railways, Wargaming and Military modelling
A 2024 summary of The Hobby Blog for Model railways, Wargaming and Military modelling

2024 was also the 80th anniversary for D-Day and 40th anniversary for the 'V TV-series'. It puts things in perspective as it is as long time from present day to the V-TV series was aired, than it was from 'V' to D-Day. 40 years between both (!).

A 2024 summary of The Hobby Blog for Model railways, Wargaming and Military modelling

2025 - What to expect

By looking at which blog posts which attracted most (and less) viewers last year, I'm not sure if I'm going to continue the monthly 'Workbench updates' nor continually reports from running sessions with garden railways on a regular basis in 2025. I'm not going to totally quit them, but I will probably collect up contents from more and post them in fewer blog posts instead.

Even if it was helpful to have a list, which obligated me to finish off old projects with slow progression, I'm not going to be that specific for 2025. But I do have some thoughts of what I will do more of this year; Except for wargaming the 'too recent conflict', I plan to finally finish up the list from 2024. 

As many of you probably already know I'm a fan of the 'Old West', and I would like to use the Cowboys I painted up in 2024 in more games in 2025. Perhaps while trying out (and reviewing) new and free rules as that's in the scope of my 'budget wargaming'.
A 2024 summary of The Hobby Blog for Model railways, Wargaming and Military modelling

I am very thankful to all of you that during the last year have been following my blog, reading it, and contributes with your comments. It all means a lot to me and you all makes it worth creating this blog I hope you all will continue follow, reading, comment and share your thoughts in 2025 as well. 

I wish you all the best for 2025, and I'm looking forward to keep following your blogs!

Happy New Year!!

Monday, December 23, 2024

Christmas Wars 2024 - An annual Wargame. "Battle for the Yule Village"

Playing free wargame rules with 3D-printed miniatures. Playing FUBAR Dark Fantasy rules. FUBAR rules for ancient or medieval wargames and warfare

By this time of year it's time to play the annual 'Seasonal Wargame' again. Last year I played it using the FUBAR Medieval  2nd edition rules, and I addressed some 'shortcomings' regarding ranges and suppression. Later I found out that FUBAR Dark Fantasy took care of these concerns and at the same time looked like FUBAR Medieval rules regarding weapons and armour (because the rules are not only for fantasy use, but for ancient use too). Close combat is resolved slightly different in Dark Fantasy though, needing to do morale checks if charged or counter charged (risking that one side might flee the battle). Besides it looks like these rules also modify a unit's expertise in close combat regarding what kind of close combat weapons it's armed with, which is an idea I like so much that I decided to do another FUBAR wargame this year despite my plan to  actually use different free wargame rules for these annual 'Christmas Wars' each year. After all it's a 'Fantasy game', which should go well with these rules.

After last years Battle Report, James from the Quantrill Toy Soldiers Blog gave me a tip in the comment-section to add a Cookie Monster to the Mayhem. I think that sounded like an interesting idea, and completely within the 'Fantasy Genre', so I've decided to add a Cookie-monter to this year's game. I think the Cookie-Monster will be a 'giant' or a 'troll', eating all it's enemies coming in it's way regardless of side in the conflict. Therefore, It will act as Elite or 'Heroic' Character, Heavy Armour (no speed penalty) and have 3 Hero Points according to the FUBAR rules. Some 'House-rules' seemed to be necessary like; it can take 4 wounds (as casualties. no suppression), and fight with 2 D6 in Close Combat to do multiple damage and have a move action of 10" instead of the ordinary 6". It can engage in Close Combat at a distance of 2" and does not need to do a morale checks. The Cookie-Monster it self was found for free at Thingiverse, resized, 3D-printed and painted.

Playing free wargame rules with 3D-printed miniatures. Playing FUBAR Dark Fantasy rules. FUBAR rules for ancient or medieval wargames and warfare

After 2 years of fighting both the Gingerbread Army and the Cookie men Army have gained so much combat experience, so I'll let them both fight as 'Veterans' according to the FUBAR rules the this year.


This year I asked ChatGPT to create a scenario for this 'season war'. It suggested:

"Battle for the Yule Village"

"The peaceful Yule Village, a festive hub of holiday cheer, has become the site of a deliciously intense conflict. The Gingerbread Army, defenders of the village, are determined to protect the precious cookie decorations and sugar reserves stored in the town square. Meanwhile, the Cookie men Army, led by their sinister commander, aims to seize control of the village and claim the sugary spoils for themselves. Amidst the chaos, the mighty Cookie Monster roams the battlefield as an unpredictable wildcard.
Playing free wargame rules with 3D-printed miniatures. Playing FUBAR Dark Fantasy rules. FUBAR rules for ancient or medieval wargames and warfare
  • Gingerbread Army: Protect the Yule Village’s sugar reserve (located in the town square) and prevent the Cookie men Army from looting it.
Playing free wargame rules with 3D-printed miniatures. Playing FUBAR Dark Fantasy rules. FUBAR rules for ancient or medieval wargames and warfare
  • Cookie men Army: Seize control of the sugar reserve by holding the town square for 3 consecutive turns.
Playing free wargame rules with 3D-printed miniatures. Playing FUBAR Dark Fantasy rules. FUBAR rules for ancient or medieval wargames and warfare
  • Cookie Monster: Satisfy its hunger by devouring units or sugar reserves. The Cookie Monster wins if it eats 6 models (from either side) or the sugar reserve."
Playing free wargame rules with 3D-printed miniatures. Playing FUBAR Dark Fantasy rules. FUBAR rules for ancient or medieval wargames and warfare

Let the fight begin

There is not movement on the battlefield the first 2 turns as the Cookie men army fails some activations, and they are very slowly advancing towards Yule Village. It looks like the 'Cookie Monster' in the forrest in the background are faster though...
Playing free wargame rules with 3D-printed miniatures. Playing FUBAR Dark Fantasy rules. FUBAR rules for ancient or medieval wargames and warfare
Even if the Cookie men army advanced very slowly, a Gingerbread unit from the village felt that they were 'danger close', and charged the further most Cookie men unit of knights in the open...
Playing free wargame rules with 3D-printed miniatures. Playing FUBAR Dark Fantasy rules. FUBAR rules for ancient or medieval wargames and warfare
Despite the Cookie men knights had better armour, those Gingerbread two-handed spears were real fatal, and both units had severe losses.
Playing free wargame rules with 3D-printed miniatures. Playing FUBAR Dark Fantasy rules. FUBAR rules for ancient or medieval wargames and warfare
The Cookie men spear unit in the background was so shocked by the scenario in front of them, that they weren't able to move:
Playing free wargame rules with 3D-printed miniatures. Playing FUBAR Dark Fantasy rules. FUBAR rules for ancient or medieval wargames and warfare
In turn 4 there arose a duel between the 2 armies archer-units, and the Gingerbread unit was 'victorious' in this 'duel' and hit with all their arrows (!). This was Coup 'd état and the Cookie men'n bows was out of the game:
Playing free wargame rules with 3D-printed miniatures. Playing FUBAR Dark Fantasy rules. FUBAR rules for ancient or medieval wargames and warfare
But it was not all all success for the Gingerbread army; when the last Gingerbread spear-warrior was charged by the last Cookie men knights, he got scared, left battle and fled into the village before he stopped to catch his breath behind the sugar reserves:
Playing free wargame rules with 3D-printed miniatures. Playing FUBAR Dark Fantasy rules. FUBAR rules for ancient or medieval wargames and warfare
At this point the Cookie men's last knight saw a Giant Cookie Monster exit the forrest, and looking right at him...
Playing free wargame rules with 3D-printed miniatures. Playing FUBAR Dark Fantasy rules. FUBAR rules for ancient or medieval wargames and warfare
...The Cookie Monster moved really fast, and caught up with the last knight standing and 'ate this knight-looking cookie'...
The Cookie men spear unit in the background were still not able to come to his rescue as they were still hesetating to enter battle:
Playing free wargame rules with 3D-printed miniatures. Playing FUBAR Dark Fantasy rules. FUBAR rules for ancient or medieval wargames and warfare
The Gingerbread archers opened fire against the newly arrived Monster, but didn't hit it.
Playing free wargame rules with 3D-printed miniatures. Playing FUBAR Dark Fantasy rules. FUBAR rules for ancient or medieval wargames and warfare
In turn 6 the Cookie Monster was so annoyed by the Gingerbread arrows, so it immediately charged the archers (as they were the closest unit):
Playing free wargame rules with 3D-printed miniatures. Playing FUBAR Dark Fantasy rules. FUBAR rules for ancient or medieval wargames and warfare
The archers got scared and run away to get some distance to the monster, before (after a successful activation) stopping, turning around and sending a storm of arrows against the Monster:
Playing free wargame rules with 3D-printed miniatures. Playing FUBAR Dark Fantasy rules. FUBAR rules for ancient or medieval wargames and warfare
They hit with one arrow, and the Gingerbread spear-warrior who had run away earlier decided to charge the Monster as it looked weaker...
Playing free wargame rules with 3D-printed miniatures. Playing FUBAR Dark Fantasy rules. FUBAR rules for ancient or medieval wargames and warfare
The last Cookie men (spear) unit saw that the Gingerbread army was heavy engaged with the attacking Cookie Monster now, and decided to let the Monster 'do the job for them' and approach the Village from another direction and choose a safer path. -And hopefully just take care of those Gingerbread warriors the Monsters hadn't got...
Playing free wargame rules with 3D-printed miniatures. Playing FUBAR Dark Fantasy rules. FUBAR rules for ancient or medieval wargames and warfare
The Gingerbread spear warrior managed to inflict some more damage to the Cookie Monster, but was finally taken out in this uneven close combat...
Playing free wargame rules with 3D-printed miniatures. Playing FUBAR Dark Fantasy rules. FUBAR rules for ancient or medieval wargames and warfare
The Cookie Monster looked ever weaker now and the Gingerbread knights made a run for it and charged the Monster with every thing they had, to finish him off:
Playing free wargame rules with 3D-printed miniatures. Playing FUBAR Dark Fantasy rules. FUBAR rules for ancient or medieval wargames and warfare
-And they successfully managed to take out the Cookie Monster at the cost of only one knight. Being busy with fighting the Monster the Gingerbread army had not noticed the Cookie men unit sneaking up behind it and was now close and just about to attack them:
Playing free wargame rules with 3D-printed miniatures. Playing FUBAR Dark Fantasy rules. FUBAR rules for ancient or medieval wargames and warfare
The Cookie men made a run for it, but wasn't close enough after all, so the remaining 2 Gingerbread knights made a counter charge:
Playing free wargame rules with 3D-printed miniatures. Playing FUBAR Dark Fantasy rules. FUBAR rules for ancient or medieval wargames and warfare
The melee was fierceful and the 2 last Gingerbread knights fell, so did 2 og the Cookie men spear warriors:
Playing free wargame rules with 3D-printed miniatures. Playing FUBAR Dark Fantasy rules. FUBAR rules for ancient or medieval wargames and warfare
The last Cookie man ran and took cover behind the heap of sugar reserves. Had he finally made it??
Playing free wargame rules with 3D-printed miniatures. Playing FUBAR Dark Fantasy rules. FUBAR rules for ancient or medieval wargames and warfare
The Gingerbread archers opened fire against the last last Cookie man, and he was not so safe behind cover as he thought...
Playing free wargame rules with 3D-printed miniatures. Playing FUBAR Dark Fantasy rules. FUBAR rules for ancient or medieval wargames and warfare
After about 1 hour and 12 turns this was finally a victory to the Gingerbread Army, but it had suffered severe losses as there was only one unit of archers left.


Even if these FUBAR rules are named Dark Fantasy they will work great for any other more classic battles and Ancient or Medieval wargames too. Just skip the part with magic and spells. I think these rules flows a little better than the Medieval 2nd Edition I used last year. Some parts of these rules seems to be 'copy pasted' form other FUBAR rules, but they're built on the same core rules so it doesn't actually matter. I wish the rules would be a little clearer on what to do on failed morale tests in different situations. 

I hope you enjoyed this years Season Wars Battle report. I wish all my readers and their families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
My youngest son is still a fan of 'Elf on the shelf', but by now it's time to capture him and keep him 'POW' the next 11 months...
Playing free wargame rules with 3D-printed miniatures. Playing FUBAR Dark Fantasy rules. FUBAR rules for ancient or medieval wargames and warfare

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